Why did you decide to apply to become a Habitat homeowner?
Although we tried to get a loan, the traditional way, our lack of good credit or lack of equitable credit held us back. Plus, the inability to afford the down payment while paying our regular bills made our ability to get a home loan almost fully out of reach for us. We would have had to save more than 10 years to afford a down payment. A friend of ours was able to tell us about her experience with Habitat. Although very skeptical, we decided to take a chance and put in an application.
How did your experience with Habitat go for you? What benefits were there to the process?
Our process started in mid 2005 when we put in our application. We were looking at buying houses. As we were expecting our first child. But our bank options were very limited. We had our application approved the year after. After fixing a few unresolved issues on our end we finally got approved to start the lot selection process. Our build was slated for 2008, possibly 2009. We did what was asked from us and started working vigorously our sweat equity hours. We knew that our situation needed to change. Luckily for us we had some good supporting people in our lives. But unfortunately didn't have a family support committee person . However that didn't stop us. We kept in contact with other Habitat personnel.
What challenges did you have to overcome on your way to home ownership?
Challenges we encountered were far more than I could ever imagined. The very long hours between working on sweat equity and working almost 70 hour weeks, all in addition to building a house of our own and another one that was being built in the same year was a lot to manage.
Other challenges included equipment issues, lack of volunteers, etc. We lost a site supervisor during the process too. But we are thankful for Geri Hickerson and Doug Roberts - the new site supervisor, for keeping the ball rolling.
How has owning your own home benefited your family?
Having our own Habitat home allowed us to be able to afford a reliable vehicle. Prior to that we were dealing with clunkers and junkers. It afforded my wife the ability to go back to school to try and chase a dream of hers. And it allowed us to start paying off stuff we hadn't been able to afford to prior.
Why do you continue to support Habitat?
Prior to Habitat, I never understood the true need for affordable housing in our community; and really around the world. I just figured people got loans for a house and were in debt for that house for basically their whole lives. Now I realize the great need for affordable housing and how Habitat impacts that need.
Would you recommend others apply for home ownership with Habitat?
I believe that if you have dreams in life and are stuck without a clue of how to get there, Habitat affords you the stability you need to be able to chase them. Regardless if you choose to stay in your Habitat home the rest of your life or not. You owe it to yourself - at minimum give it a try. You literally have nothing to lose. And everything to gain.
What have you learned through your experience with Habitat?
I've learned that there is a lot of bad things that can happen to you in life. But I've also learned there are always a lot of people that are willing to help, even if you're total strangers. They are willing to do what they can to give you a better life.
What do you think would have happened if you never worked with Habitat?
We would have reached our goal, but I believe we wouldn't have had the same experience. Nor would we have had the chance to meet some of the most passionate and giving people. I believe we were truly blessed to be a part of Habitat for Humanity.
Home is the Key
Home ownership is the key to independence and intergenerational wealth. Learn more about Habitat's impact here | Click Here
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